Change WebOrb default port from 2037 to what you want

I’ve been using WebOrb for almost a year now. Sometimes it’s a great experience, sometimes less (like any other product I have ever used). I have been running production machines for a client. This client request to test the WebOrb service on another port other then 2037 (default). It’s actually quite simple to create, but not intuitive. If you are using WebOrb from the command line, you have a setting called “port”.…
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Dynamic streaming (Adaptive bitrate) using Flash media Server

Video and the web are long time friends already. You see lots of websites with some sot of player for video content.  Also, you can see media companies and television channels serving video over the wire to the end users.

Video can be downloaded (progressive download) to the client like YouTube or can be streamed to him.

I won’t discuss the pro’s & con’s of streaming and progressive. We’ll only be discussing streaming in this post.

So, What is the post worthy problem we have when streaming video to the client?

Continue reading and find out.

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Enumeration on a property – Flex 3

Often when you create custom controls in flex application, you create custom properties and the apps consuming your components needs to set those properties for the component to work properly.

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Backup all databases (SQL Express) with a single T-Sql

I’m using SQL Express 2008 for development on my development machines, I’m saving the full version for the servers and not on development.

One of the things I often see when people talk about the express disadvantages is the lack of support for JOBS so you cannot create a custom backup for your database.

Well, in this post I will show you how you can create a single database on your development machine that will be responsible for all of the backups, create a table that will log the backups and a stored procedure that will do the work.

In a later post, I will also show how you can integrate this into a command line and then into your nightly backup strategy.

The most beautiful part of this solution is that it is totally free of charge and uses custom T-Sql, and the command line is using a custom tool supplied by the EXPRESS package.

So, without talking too much, let’s dive into the solution.

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Install Wamp on a Windows machine

Quite a while ago I shot a screen cast about how to configure and install WAMP on a windows machine without it clashing with IIS 7 or anything else for that matter.

The video is very popular on Vimeo so I thought I’d put it here as well so my readers can enjoy it.

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Flash media server statistics using sawMill

I have been using Flash Media Server for a while now, at least 3 years, I implemented solutions on top of this amazing products for clients in wide ranges like Start-Up companies, E-Learning systems and more.

Flash media server has some disadvantages, one of those is definitely the lack of normal statistics. The terminal will give you the real time data but if you want to drill down into last month and 3 month ago or more, you won’t be able to get any data in a comfortable and nice view.

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RTMP being blocked by firewalls – Flash media server

If you ever worked with Flash media server or any other media server for that matter, you probably know they are not working with the regular Internet protocol which is HTTP. All of the media servers (almost all at least) are working on top of a protocol called RTMP.

Now, if you have users working behind a firewall, they probably can’t get passed it’s restrictions and they will (in most cases) be blocked and unable to see your application / video.

If you are working on a server like WebOrb (I’m working with it) then the data will also be blocked, and that is a bug issue.

Today we’re going to solve the problem together. Here’s a way to solve it.

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How can you give quality service to your clients

As you know, I am a freelancer, and as a freelancer I work face-to-face with my clients and I always have to find better ways to give quality service.

As a freelancer, all of the client’s communication and service is up to you, you need to provide them with the best platform to work on, with you, along side with the existing team inside the company (in-case you are working with them).

So, because I believe I have that kind of platform I thought I’d share (as I always do) with you, how I work with my clients, although there are tools and services in this post, it’s not about them, it’s about how you can use them, seeing the customer’s needs in the center of your concerns.

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Beanstalk blog mentioned my post

Well, remember my post “SVN on steroids”? It hit waves around Twitter and Facebook and got very popular over the weekend I wrote it. I was also mentioned in their blog so here’s a [Well, remember my post “SVN on steroids”? It hit waves around Twitter and Facebook and got very popular over the weekend I wrote it. I was also mentioned in their blog so here’s a]2 Thank you guys for the mention and thank you for this really amazing product I use daily.…
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jQuery and UpdatePanels (Asp.Net)

Well, I love using JQuery.

I think this open-source js library is simply the best when you want to create a richer user experience in your websites and applications.

Some will argue Mootools is better but hey, this is a long and exhausting battle, almost like the one between PHP and

This post comes to explain the difficulties when using jQuery dom event like “click” and “change” with an update panel.

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