SVN on steroids using beanstalk and integrating basecamp

Well, if you consider yourself a professional and care about what you do in your day to day work you probably use some sort of version control system.

Whether you are using GIT or SVN, both self hosted or in the cloud.

Me, I’m a huge fan of cloud services and moving things and services into the cloud, managing my entire work (almost) in the cloud, from my email (GMail) to my backup service (Mozy) and now, SVN.

I will tell you about my solution in this post along with screenshots of what it looks like

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Source Code: Credit card number validation (Israeli Visa)

Sometimes, you need more then the simple straight forward validation of a credit card number.

Usually, it’s enough, yet sometimes a client demand or a product demand is to create a more sophisticated validation, using known credit card algorithm that the CreditCard company issues from time to time.

I had just that need a while back.

So, I created the validation and I decided to share it with you here.

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Execute a T-Sql statement on all Databases – Sql Server

Sometimes, you may want to execute a single statement (t-sql) on all of your databases.

I had this issue about a week ago, I needed to change my users table on all databases. Because all of my tables are named the same on all db’s (convention) I wanted to avoid the hassle of going through the databases manually with Management studio and just wanted to execute the code on all of the db’s.

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Shrink all databases on server (sql)

It all started with a client call (like usual)…

About a month ago, I got a call from a client of mine saying he has 2 database servers, each holding about 150 databases.

The servers were both SQL Server 2008, he had 2 HD’s with 74GB each and there was absolutely no space on any of them.

After a short research I found that the backup files were absolutely huge and fill the disk up to a point that the server had no space to store any more data and the website connected to that database crashed.

Without going too much into details why these things happen (bad programming) I will give you a method to fix this.

It is recommended to backup your databases to an external HD before doing this, this way you will have the full backup at all times.

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The .net myth balloon exploding

If you are reader of this blog occasionally or if you are subscriber to my Rss you probably know that I do alot of .net coding side-by-side with other technologies both on server side and on client side.

Also, you probably know that I do love to code .net and create amazing application with these technologies and frameworks MS are putting out into the market for years now.

Frankly, I’ve seen the myths about .net being written about, talked about and the buzz is out there. .net is being trashed talked at about every open source community out there. recently I started coding with Ruby On Rails and I was absolutely shocked by the myth’s that are going on in that online community of developers.

So, in this post I will take each point and act as a myth buster It’s going to be interesting…

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The (natural) combination between ROR and flex

Well, I have been working with Flex for the past 2 years now. Recently I bought a Mac and started developing Ruby On Rails applications.

I started thinking how does these 2 technologies combine together, Ruby on rails on the server side and flex on the client side, I found the combination to be very natural and easy, you can actually get quite a bit of satisfaction from combining these 2 together.

I know I did, and in this post I will show you how to build a phone book application where you can create new records in your phone book and have an HTML client side and FLEX client side with only just about 10 minutes of work.

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Stop chasing that green light

Well, after a long while of thinking about it, I finally saw this post.

Matt Cutts, probably the only guy in the world that can discuss the google algorithm finally breaks the silence about it and goes out into the open saying this…

DO NOT break your head struggling with getting your code to validate, I will exaplain some more about my opinion in this post.

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Scaling a real life messaging application

Sometimes in life you get to a point that your servers are not enough, the users are attacking (good attack :-)) your application and the servers simply can’t handle the load.

Well, this was exactly the case with a client of mine, the client is a forex company, they had 2K concurrent users and they are currently in the process of redesigning the client application and plan to grow up to 20K concurrent users.

This is a classic job for me, it’s what I do. It’s a different company with different needs, so, in this post I will give you the solution I gave the company without revealing details about the company of course

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How to become a professioal developer (1)

In this post I will talk about how to become a professional developer, whether you are a freelance developer or a team member inside of a company we are all unprofessional until proven other wise.

I was very impressed and took great notes from Uncle Bob before writing this post, but this post also comes from the heart after seeing more than a couple of teams struggling, freelancers loosing clients and more…

This post will be written point after point, I will explain each of these points in my language and give you examples from real life, where I saw things went wrong and how you can improve them in your own micro-cosmus.

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Synchronize Client Application using flex/

Sometimes you need to create a Client Application that will sync itself automatically to changes, not necessarily made within your screen.

Let’s say you have a client that’s requesting an application for his sales team. He wants a special screen displaying the calls from clients and the client’s request taken by the secretary.

In addition, the client does not want to “refresh” the page, he wants it displayed the second it happens. I will show you a way to do this in minutes using / flex and visual Studio.

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