Tools for developers and power users (1)

Posted on Aug 14, 2009

Hey all,

This blog post is the first out of three blog posts.

These blog posts will be all about tools for developers and power users. These tools will be online services or desktop applications, most of them will have a free version or a trial version.

I’m working with every single one of these tools, so these recommendation are based on my own personal experience. which is always great no?

Okay, let’s begin.

Online storage solution (1)

This service is a virtual “box” for storing your files, documents and other valuable digital data you may have.

This service is different from all the other online drives in the way that it is actually a folder on your system. You don’t have to log-in and log-out and there are no browsers involved here.

You simply drag and drop files and those will be uploaded to your online drive.

An extra thing which is also very important is that the same folder is visible on all your other computers, enabling it to be a sync solution too.

All the documents you edit here will be updated everywhere else.

The service comes free with 2GB of space, I am a pro user there and I enjoy it every day I use it.

Online storage solution (2)

Yet another box service but for this one you will have to log in to the website and upload via the web interface.

The interface is very intuitive clean and neat and the upload process is made easy.

You can share the link with your friends and simply email them the file you have for them online.

This solution also has a free version.

Time Tracking

If you are freelancers like me and you get paid for the time spent on a project, this solution is just for you.

I actually use it on project I don’t get paid by the hour and that way I know exactly how much time I spent.

The tracking solution is divided by clients which you can also defer the fee for each of them.

The solution comes with a widget that you can install on every system and log hours without using the browser.

This solution is free but if you need online client reports that the clients can view you have to pay a small fee every month.

Bug Tracking

If you are like me, you have many request flowing in every day, some by email some by phone.

The requests/bug/enhancement requests are all very confusing and you can easily get lost in the mix.

Well, the LightHouseApp guys have thought of that and made this solution for you.

It is a bug tracking system for your use. This system will help you track all bugs with your clients and log every message and demand.

You are probably thinking what I thought at first… Who has the time to activate the website, log-in and create a new bug, it takes time.

Well, you’re right but this is not the case here. Every project gets an email address so you can simply email yourself a bug and your client can email you with a bug straight into the system.

Each member gets all the email copies and everything works great.

When you get an email you can simply reply and the bug is updated.

That’s it, this is part 1 of 3

Please comment if you have anything to say.