A solution for the “I Follow” bug with cucumber and Capybara

Posted on Nov 23, 2010

While working on a new application and writing tests I encountered a problem:

This is the test I have been using:


Scenario: Deleting a project from the main page

Given I am on the account home page

When I follow “Delete Project”

Then I should see “Your project has been deleted”


The error that was shown is this:


undefined local variable or method `node’ for #<Capybara::Driver::Node tag=“a” …


Here’s a screen shot of the test run:

After browsing around for quite some time, I found that the error is originated with this line in env.rb file:


require ‘cucumber/rails/capybara_javascript_emulation’ # Lets you click links with onclick javascript handlers without using @culerity or @javascript


Commenting out this line solved the problem for me and now I can continue with my testing. I hope it will solve your problem as well.